Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Eye Opening

I just came across this blog from a girl, a US citizen, who had quite the experience on Sept. 11th (just 3 days ago). If you have the time read this blog...its kind of long...but its so worth it.
What can we do as followers of Christ to stop this? We are a voice...even one...if we all used our one voice it would become a loud voice together. We need to start speaking truth to people we are in contact with...while I agree in safety & security of our country...I don't think that living in fear & judgment is the way to operate this protection.
It breaks my heart for this girl. For our country. For our world.
Lord forgive us.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Deeper Still

I am so excited for the women's retreat this Friday & Saturday. The theme is deeper still & I am just so excited to get away & alone with the girls I serve with & the Lord. I'm so excited. Its going to be a time of refreshing & refueling, and I'm counting down the days. Did I say I was excited? :)
My prayer for all of us ladies attending is that we would be preparing our hearts for an encounter with Him. There are times where I get close to the heart of God & then I back off because I'm way to scared to see the unknown....then I miss out. I don't like this part of me & I'm really trying to move into those areas. The areas that I really can't control & allow him to move...because he is God & I trust him.
So I wait in anticipation for this weekend, counting down the days, praying for me, for the women in my group, for everyone going to attend & everyone affected when we come back...may we learn to live deeper still. ♥

Is this mic on?

 *Tap tap tap* Hello? Hello?? Is this mic on?  Testing, testing...1..2..3 Well hey has been a hot minute since I have visited thi...