Thursday, January 9, 2014

Gone and Done It

Well...we did it. We really as my Southern friends would say "gone and done it." We filled out the Foster Care application and we are starting our six weeks of training on Feb. 24th.
I have several things paralleling when this training should take place, so it is going to be so awesome watching The Lord sustain me and help get me through all of it, because as of now, in my strength, I'm starting to schedule my massages due to the stress! Ha!
Shew what a ride, never in my life did I imagine this is what my life would be like, living on the edge of that cliff constantly being encouraged and asked to take jumps off the high peaks, trusting and knowing that The Lord is there to be my parachute.....over and over...and over...and over He asks me to jump, and yet....I still am terrified of jumping. I wonder if it will get easier at some point?
But for we goooooooooo!

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Is this mic on?

 *Tap tap tap* Hello? Hello?? Is this mic on?  Testing, testing...1..2..3 Well hey has been a hot minute since I have visited thi...