Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankful defines THANKFUL as:

Pronunciation: \ˈthaŋk-fəl\
Function: adjective
Date: before 12th century
1 : conscious of benefit received
2 : expressive of thanks
3 : well pleased : glad
— thank·ful·ness noun


As I read definition 1, it really got me thinking...."Conscious of benefit received." That statement just rings so loudly to me....conscious of benefit received....How many "benefits" do I receive on a daily basis that...I'm not even conscious of?? Lets just name a few today...I woke up with two perfectly working healthy legs that walked me down to the laundry room where I was able to do my laundry with no lines. Then I was able to grind up my Starbucks coffee & make it in my coffee pot that was GIVEN to me. I was able to use my oven to cook the yummy goodness that is Cinnabun Cinnamon rolls. I was able to sit on my relatively comfortable couch & watch the MACY'Sparade on my TV,which has been an American tradition for over 75 years. Then from there I was able to prepare part of a dinner that could have fed 15 people, which only fed 6. I was able to hang out with some really good friends, and enjoy really good conversation. After a while I was able to get in our brand new car and drive our friends to a movie. I was able to come back home after I saw a really good film, that ended a really good day, & get under my really warm comforter & starting thinking about this "Thanksgiving Day."
I have so much to be THANKFUL for! I'm going to try to make it my goal to start to be conscious of the benefits I receive!
Here's to a happy, thought filled, love shared, heart warming, benefita received, Thanksgiving day!
I hope yours was as good as mine!

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