Thursday, February 19, 2009

I never want myself to get in the way of us.

This morning I was reading the word, and for a few months this statement hasn't been true for me. I have let myself get in the way of my walk with the Lord. Just making excuses, and not making time with Him. I realized that any distance created between us is because I've let myself get in the way of us. How sad. I never want myself to get in the way. I often find myself fighting thoughts, and urges. one big urge for me is the need to be validated. I get real down on myself if I'm not finding validation in other people. That is not OK. I get the most desperate when I've not spent enough time with the Lord. I will make this change. I have to. in order to survive. I must. ♥

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Is this mic on?

 *Tap tap tap* Hello? Hello?? Is this mic on?  Testing, testing...1..2..3 Well hey has been a hot minute since I have visited thi...