Monday, June 21, 2010

1st Day of Summer

Happy 1st day of Summer!
Also, two weeks till the big "D" date! (Due date).
I have a friend that was due on July 9th...she still isn't in labor'm thinking July 5th is a relative term these days. :)
I'm not sure what the plan will be, and for those of you who know how (controlling)...much I like to plan....know that this does not sit well with me. :)
I like to know what will happen when it will happen, and how it will happen. So this is just one more area of Trust that I have to give over to God. He knows when my precious gift will come greet us, and He knows how it will all pan out, He knows if and when...all I have to do is Trust Him.
Its been a theme for me for the past couple'd think I'd have this mastered by now. It gets easier...but I still pick it back up sometimes. It requires constant laying down of today too...I chose to TRUST you Lord. I will just wait. ♥.

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Is this mic on?

 *Tap tap tap* Hello? Hello?? Is this mic on?  Testing, testing...1..2..3 Well hey has been a hot minute since I have visited thi...