Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Moodies

Ok so here is my thing....I know I'm a morning person...I do better at mornings than others, I get that....but we all KNOW Monday is coming. We all know that we have to be at work in order to pay the bills...and So I wonder why some people chose to be grumpy? It is a choice you know...........................................
The more I sit here & think about what I was going to continue to write, the more the tone of this blog is changing. I started this blog off originally going to talk about how people need to just be in a good mood, Regardless of the fact that you want, or don't want, to be at work...we have to be at to be in a good mood, basically was the gist of why I started this post....then I was quicken in my spirit & remembered the very thing I learned this morning. Looking at Jesus & his example & how he lived, I was taught in my reading that he was not just this perfect example, but he was moved with compassion toward people. He operated in humility. No matter what. No matter whom it was toward, no matter the situation. He conducted his life in compassion & humility. I was challenged in my reading to start to operate my life that way. In everything. I am supposed to be moved toward compassion & humility....I am to operate, think, move, breathe, every minute, second of the day in compassion & humility.....and now boy do I feel sheepish.
How quick I am to forget & to take up that old self & operate in you know what else I learned? That Lucifer, in all his beauty & perfection, decided to take the step & live in his pride...causing his down fall which has since lead people into a life of death & sin. Jesus did the opposite. He came to live in compassion & humility...and all throughout his life we see how living in humility & lowering our self brings life.
So for me...maybe if I take a step back & not look at "why are you choosing to be grumpy?" but rather, offer compassion & ask how are you? Or maybe take a step back, be moved with compassion & humility, and ask...I wonder WHAT is making them grumpy? There is life outside of work, you know? Maybe something at home is a struggle for them, how can I be the hands & feet of Jesus & SHOW them compassion today?

Wow. Smack in the face.
Such good stuff. Thank you Holy Spirit for that blog I needed to write for myself.
I love you.

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Is this mic on?

 *Tap tap tap* Hello? Hello?? Is this mic on?  Testing, testing...1..2..3 Well hey has been a hot minute since I have visited thi...