Over this last week & 1/2 I've been in a place of trying to figure out the ending in this story. Thinking, planning, an boarder line obsessing over an outcome. Almost to the point of trying to manufacture an outcome myself because I can see those results faster than the ones God has planned.
I do this.
I'm a control freak. Its a problem.
Last night in our Beth Moore study of Esther, she was talking about how all through out the Bible there are different stories where peoples destinies were reversed. The reversal of destiny due to a situation that happened, a life course was changed.
Here is the intro statement:
The 6th chapter is the "hinge of the story of Esther." God appoints or allows circumstances (often crises) in our lives to redirect our paths. Today we explore the unexpected pivot point of Esther by giving a name to an important concept in the book: The reversal of destiny.
We looked at two literary devices that are employed in the book of Esther.
1. Chiastic Structure
-In its tightest form, chiastic structure is inverted parallelism. In other words, its a reversal of structures to emphasize an overarching point.
2. Peripety
-A sudden turn of events that reverses the expected or intended outcome particularly in a literary work. Its the "hinge" in an event. It isn't always what we expect it to be.
These two literary devices got me thinking about my life and how we just had a 'reversal of destiny' happen to us. The hinge of our story was God united our hearts toward adoption. Its been so neat to see this come together.
Me in all of my "me" starts to worry & obsess & think how is this ever going to happen? How long will this process take? Who would ever want to give up their baby & give it to us? All these thoughts have been in my mind these past weeks.
Well in true God style he used this Beth Moore study to tell me something. Its a very important thing, that I needed to hear.
And it was:
"Fire yourself. You are NOT responsible for how this 'thing' works out! All you are responsible for is "the What" you were asked to do."
And for me the "What" in this adoption process is to Trust Him. Him aligning our hearts didn't seal the deal that we would have a child in the next 6 months, 9 months, 12 months or even the next two years. All it did was confirm that He is alive & working & will finish this story He's started in us.
And it is my responsibility to take care of the "what" & leave the "how" to him.
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1 comment:
So cool to go back to the beginning and start reading there... Even though I know the current I'm excited to read the story from a new perspective.
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