Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Four Months!

Well so far its been a good month!! I threw a baby shower, which was really a diapers & wipes party for the Andys last weekend & last night I went to a cooking class! It was really fun acutally...the only thing is, I thought we would actually be able to participate...but it was all lecture. We got to eat the fantastic meal afterward, but I thought it would be more hands on, so that was a little dissappointing...but all in all it was great! here are some pictures:

Tomorrow my sweet Ella is four months old!! I can't belived it! She gets more shots next monday & then won't need more till 6 months old. She has been such an amazing blessing...not only to us but to everyone around us. it is so awesome to see people so in love with her & want to hold her & just be near her...she is my little miracle. I'm so honored to get to be called her Mother! ♥

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 *Tap tap tap* Hello? Hello?? Is this mic on?  Testing, testing...1..2..3 Well hey has been a hot minute since I have visited thi...