Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hard Converstations

I don't like having hard conversations. I don't like it even more when my friends or the people I love have to have them with someone. I want to defend, and stand in their way & ward off anyone who is trying to hurt them!
BACK UP! Janna is here & swinging! :)
BUT I love when God shows up & changes people from the inside out & you see Him get the glory!!
YAY! God! Kind of makes the hard conversations worth it....hmmm well...a little more bearable how about that! :)


Amanda said...

Thank you. :)

Sweetly Broken said...

Hahah I was going to text you & tell you this wasn't about our conversation! Hahaha but still yay God! Haha

Is this mic on?

 *Tap tap tap* Hello? Hello?? Is this mic on?  Testing, testing...1..2..3 Well hey has been a hot minute since I have visited thi...