Thursday, May 31, 2012

Big Girl Bed

"Baby" Ella is almost 2 years old. July 11th will mark that day. I have been really excited for the next stage, not trying to rush it but its so exciting to watch her grow! So on her 2nd birthday, or around it, I wanted to put her in her "big girl bed." After researching everyone says to transition the oldest into a toddler bed 6-8 weeks before a new baby comes. Apparently this is quiet the process of having them stay in their bed. I'm sure this new found freedom for a 2 year old is like, seeing New York City for the first time. As we were setting up her bed she was soooo excited. It was cracking us up. She would run, jump and let out these squeals hahah. She was saying na-night at 6:30pm hahah that never happens! :) It was just really cute.
So we sat, prayed with her, and talked to her about the rules right before bedtime. As we turned out the lights she just sat up in her big girl bed & kept trying to get up. Thank goodness for monitors! Not sure how people do this without them, but every time she would try to put her foot down on the ground Jeremy in his "dad" voice would say, "Ella, back to bed." hahah Immediately she would look up shocked at how he was able to see her. She'd jump back & get back into bed. So as we sat outside her door watching the monitor & replaying this situation over & over, I couldn't help but just be so filled with gratitude. I am just so grateful that I get this life. I am grateful that I have a husband who loves our girl and our girl to be so much. I mean he goes shopping for them both!! It just fills my heart up so much I could pop. I love that he loves Ella so much, and I love that I see him love this baby already too. Its just an awesome time for me. Floating is where I'm at. Still in the free-fall, but at the point where you start to just slow down & soar. Thats where I am. My life is good, my God is unbelievably sweet to me, I have a husband who LOVES me deeply, I have a daughter that brings so much joy to so many people, and I have a daughter that is on the way that God has huge plans for & I can't wait to hold for the first time. ♥

So as I got up this morning, I checked the monitor and this is what I saw:
Success! She did it. Made it through her very first night!! YAY! :) 


The Lucero Family said...

Yay! We put Elias in a big boy bed on his 2nd birthday. He has only fallen out 3x since March :) But overall he has done great. I agree it is fun watching them grow up!

Ashley Eiban said...

Big Girl!! I love that you sat outside her room and yelled at her when she got out of bed! :) That is so fun!

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